Wamkelekile eYancheng Tianer

Uyibala njani iCFM yeCompressor yoMoya?

Ukubala iCFM(IiCubic Feet ngemitha) yecompressor yomoya iyafana nokubala imveliso yecompressor. Ukubala i-CFM iqala ngokujonga iinkcukacha zecompressor ukufumana umthamo wetanki. Inyathelo elilandelayo kukujonga iinkcukacha zobugcisa bephepha ukufumana iiponti nge-intshi yesikwere (PSI). Ukubala i-PSI kulandelwa kukufumana i-CFM yecompressor.

Isinyathelo sokuqala emva kokufumana i-cubic feet volume ye-compressor yomoya kukuguqula ixabiso layo ukusuka kwiigaloni ukuya kwii-cubic feet ngokuwahlula ngo-7.48.

Isinyathelo sesibini kukubala i-PSI kunye nokuguqula ixabiso layo kwi-ATM (Atmospheres).

Olu guqulelo lwenziwa ngokuhlula ixabiso lenkcazo yobugcisa be-compressor yomoya ngo-14.7. Emva kokufumana ixabiso lemizuzu yomjikelezo we-compressor yomoya, umzobo uhlukaniswe ngama-60 ukuguqula imizuzwana ukuya kwimizuzu. Ukuguqulwa kweeyunithi zomjikelezo kulandelwa ngokubalwa kwe-CFM yokwenene. Ukuze ufumane inyanisoCFMenye iphindaphinda amanani amathathu: icubic feet volume of the air compressor by the atmospheres of the air compressor by the cycle minute value of the compressor. Umntu kufuneka enze ezi zibalo kuzo zonke iicompressors zomoya ukufumana ireyithi yomoya yeCFM yokwenyani yazo zonke iiyunithi. Ukusuka kwezi zibalo, kunokwenzeka ukwahlula ubungakanani beecompressor zomoya ngaphambi kokuthenga enye.

Ixesha lokuposa: Jun-07-2023